Cosmetics for the Neck & Decollete

For beautiful-looking & rejuvenated skin

The neck and decollete areas are often neglected in daily skincare routines even though these are the regions that give away our age. The skin of the neck and decollete are much like the skin around the eyes: it is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of the body. Subcutaneous fat tissue and sebaceous glands are near to nonexistent which leads to the skin being prone to dryness and wrinkle formation. Therefore, the neck and decollete areas require more nourishment and protection. We have compiled the most effective products in this category to give them some much-needed love.

Tip: The right techniques can help when applying the products: always use upwards strokes when applying products to this region while gently massaging and patting the product into the skin.

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Neck & Decollete : 9 items